What we do

Our experienced full-service agency team handle all aspects of business marketing, from strategic planning, creative output, and production, through to public relations, social media, digital marketing, and analytics & reporting.

Keeping everything in-house allows us to have complete control over all aspects of any project we undertake and the ability to deliver quickly — meeting turnaround-times, deadlines and expectations.

Graphic Design
Art Direction
Creative Strategy & Consultancy
Social Media
Digital Marketing
Web Design & Development
Content Creation
Public Relations
Reporting & Analytics
Email Marketing
Print Design
Media Planning & Buying
Graphic Design
Art Direction
Creative Strategy & Consultancy
Social Media
Digital Marketing
Web Design & Development
Content Creation
Email Marketing
Print Design

Meet the team.

Adam Smith

Group Marketing Manager

Following spells in the fashion industry and an East London creative agency, Adam joined The Acorn Group in 2002. Starting as a Graphic Designer he soon worked his way up the ranks and has headed the department since 2005.

Koorosh Noroozi

Head of New Homes Marketing

Koorosh joined The Acorn Group after interning at a number of high profile companies, gaining vital experience in design & print, and is now in charge of the new homes marketing for the group, creating, developing and implementing new homes brands.

Adam Jones

Marketing Manager

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Sven Lomas

Senior Designer

Sven joined as a Junior Graphic Designer and is now a senior member of the creative team. After completing his degree at The Manchester School of Art, Sven interned at a number of fashion and hospitality companies.

Lucy Farman

Junior Designer

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Gabriella Sharma

Social Media Co-Ordinator

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